Monday, June 14, 2010

A New Career for Stephen



Apparently this was an approved work activity.  ARUP is always trying to promote healthy lifestyles through exercise and they twisted it this year to somehow involve Rock Band and a photo shoot.

Stephen’s e-mail to me said…

“We have a rock band competition going on here.  But it is not really for rock band, it is a exercise completion (needless to say I have not done all that well, but my team is doing fairly good).

I forget how they spun it to rock band, but they did.  And to make it even better, they had photo ops for all the teams using various “rock” style outfits.

And that is how ROCKER STEPPENWOLF was born!!!!!”


I’m a little scared!  BUT HEY…whatever they want to pay him to do is fine with me!

Love ya babe, orange mohawk and all!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That is hard core, Stephen! It's very you!