Tuesday, February 10, 2009

January 2009...A month in Review.

With the holidays over we have finally gotten back to our normal routine!  Preschool started again, Jeremy and Jordan made it home to Ohio safely, and the church callings are still calling!

Early in the month we had a great time with Jeremy, Jordan and Adalynn before they headed home.  We took all the girls to Kangaroo Zoo in North Salt Lake.  This is a great place to wear the kids out!  It is a big warehouse filled with huge bounce houses and slides.  The girls played hard for almost 3 hours and even Chloe started to warm up to the unstable bouncy surfaces.

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As Christmas came around I was singing "All I want for Christmas is for Chloe to walk, Chloe to walk, Chloe to walk..."  Well I didn't get it for Christmas, but not too long after.  She relied on her walker push toy for quite a while, but now she is off and running all on her own!   She runs the house giggling about her new found independence.

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Avery and I got to have a Mommy Avery date last month.  We went to see The Wizard of Oz at Roger's Memorial Theatre in Centerville.  We sat on the 2nd row and she loved every minute of the show.  Okay, not every minute...the monkeys and the Wicked Witch of the West did make her snuggle a little closer to mom.  She kept asking about all the things on stage..."Is that a real house?  Is that chair real?  Is that a real girl and dog?"  I guess maybe there are too many movies at our house if she has to ask what is real and what isn't!

The end of the month we were able to attend cousin Sydney's baptism.  What a wonderful spiritual experience for our family.  Sydney looked beautiful in her new white dress and we are so proud of her decision to be baptized.  She is such a good example to Avery Jane.

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Okay...almost done.  This month, Stephen was FINALLY released as the Elder's Quorum Secretary!!!  He has served in that same calling for the last 4 years and 3 months. (That is how long we have lived in this ward!)  He and the EQ President (Blake Bodily) had their callings longer than anybody in our ward!  They even survived a ward split/reorganization.  He enjoyed the calling but was ready for a change.  He was just called as the 2nd Counselor in the Sunday School Presidency and is looking forward to the new calling and responsibilities.

That's it...More in February.

(P.S.  We are NOT moving, though we are starting to wonder what everybody else knows that we don't!  So if you are looking for a house in Woods Cross...Come on down there are plenty to choose from!)


Michelle said...

Beautiful family. I am so glad to reconnect with you.

Shelby said...

Looks like you are having so much fun! I love looking at your blog and keeping in touch that way. Have a great day!